Travel Tips For Thailand

map, compass, travel

 Travel Tips for Thailand and even the world. Are worth remembering make sure you’re prepared.

Use Hopper, Kayak, Skyscanner to find cheap flights

These Apps find the cheapest deals. Remember keep things flexible: look at prices over a month for price variations.

Check your passport’s expiration date

Thailand will not let you travel if you have less than six months validity on your passport. Always check expiration date.

Before Traveling let your bank know

I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that my bank blocked my card something like 30 times in the first three years of my trip. Practically every time I arrived in a new country, I had to call them up to get it unblocked.

Make sure your Travel insurance covers what you want

Make sure you have spare passport photos

Photograph and email important documents to yourself

passport, any visas, and any debit/credit cards you’re traveling with. Password protect the documents, and email a copy of them to yourself and to family or friend as proof that you’re who you say you are.

Avoid changing  your currency at the Airport

Local Money changers offer better rates than the Airport, also change as little as possible for local currency in your home Country These are the worst rates.

Try the local food

Thailand is renowned for its great food from Spicy to non-spicy always ask if you are worried about the content of chillies in a dish. Most restaurants will vary the heat for you.


Travel Tips

Travel tips for Thailand.

Use sunscreen every day to avoid Burning

During the hottest months of the year April- October,Thai temperatures regularly top 40° C (105° F). Even during the cooler “winter” season November-March you can expect daily highs to be around 30° C (86° F).

Drink lots of water

Try to keep hydrated drink between 2 / 4 litres or water a day depending on body weight

Try to learn A few works of the Thai language

Hello = Sawatdii

How are you? = Sabaaidii mai?

 I’m fine = Sabaaidii

I’m not well = Mai sabaii

Have back up debit / credit cards to hand

Sometimes your card won’t work in an ATM due to local banking rules. Bring at least 2 debit /credit cards with money in the relevant accounts to cover you.

Know the address of your stay before you arrive

Take a photo with your phone or write down the details

Travel in Low season avoid the crowds and save money

A great time to travel is Low Season. The weather is sometimes unpredictable but everything is more affordable than in the high season, there are also fewer tourists visiting.

Photograph and email important documents to yourself

Copy passport, any visas, and any debit/credit cards you’re traveling with. Password protect the documents, and email a copy of them to yourself and to family or friend as proof that you’re who you say you are.

Remember a supply of Imodium

Visit the local markets

Markets are way to get to know the locals better. Finding out about the strange Fruits, seeing how the locals shop, and discovering what’s popular in Thailand. Night markets in Thailand are a must.

Be polite and smile often

The Thais are a very friendly nation and love to smile,always smile back and the locals will warm to you. Being rude and looking stressed will not achieve anything in Thailand. Relax and go with the flow.

Read up about local customs before you go

You don’t want to offend anyone while you travel, so make sure you’re aware of any local customs before you arrive. In Thailand, women shouldn’t touch monks or hand them anything, you should always dress appropriately you shouldn’t touch the local’s heads, say anything bad about the royal family, always use your right hand for passing people things and paying, never point your feet at someone, Thais find this offensive. Never disrespect Buddha .

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